Posted by: comfortjunkie | November 23, 2008

The Morning After

Well, there I went bragging about my short rib only to find myself regretting its ingestion the next morning. I would imagine that it was the richness of the meat that did me in, but at 6am I suffered some serious consequences that left me wobbley-kneed and exhausted. Unfortuantely, I could not return to bed.

Instead I got up and put on some nice clothes for a meeting with a new potential client. After my meeting, it was back on the horse as I had breakfast at a restaurant that was on my list. After breakfast, it was another meeting and then lunch at yet another restaurant. Finally, exhausted and full to the brim, I returned home.

I couldn’t face another day of super mutants and I wasn’t in the mood to carjack people, so I decided to bust out a kinder, gentler game – Fable II. I never played the first one so while it was off to a slow start, it seems like it could be fun. I went to bed at 11 on a Saturday night because my life is extremely glamorous and exciting.

This morning, I am packing up my laptop case with my computer, two books, a little paperwork, a dress and two pairs of underwear for a little weekend jaunt. Expect disturbingly awesome photos to follow, of course.

In the meantime, please enjoy this picture of a cow butt taken from my stoop two mornings ago.


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